This year… help LRWC to help the defenders

Thanks to our members and donors LRWC work contributes to saving lives, securing liberty, obtaining UN recommendations, changing opinions, assisting human rights defenders and promoting understanding of human rights and the rule of law. See our 2012 Annual General Report. Research and … [Read more...]

Save a Lawyer for Christmas

Join, renew or donate through PayPal, CanadaHelps, VISA or Cheque   Memberships help pay for advocacy. Charitable donations pay for education and research. Join, renew or donate with PayPal: Full membership $50. Student Membership $15 Join, Renew or Donate (select … [Read more...]

Sri Lanka Report

Sri Lanka Report … [Read more...]

Costa Rica: Harassment of environmental defenders by means of legal proceedings

Re: Harassment of environmental defenders by means of legal proceedings  To: Laura Chinchilla Miranda, Presidente de la República; Fernando Ferraro Castro; Ministro de Justicia y Paz From: Gail Davidson, Executive Director, LRWC; Marion Caussanel, LRWC Date: Novemeber 8. 2012 We write on behalf … [Read more...]

Sri Lanka Universal Periodic Review Side Event

LRWC member Vani Sevalrajah attended the 14th Session of the UPR of Sri Lanka October 30-November 1 in Geneva. The UPR provided an opportunity to review efforts made by Sri Lanka to fulfill obligations human rights obligations and to address on going problems regarding: loss of independence of key … [Read more...]

LRWC Newsletter: September 2012

LRWC Action News | UNHRC - LRWC Participation | Colombia - 3rd International Caravana | Education Events | Groups LRWC Worked with this Month Click here for PDF version with photos LRWC ACTION NEWS Bahrain Adulhadi Al-Khawaja’s appeal rejected: Vicheka Lay wrote a letter on behalf of … [Read more...]

Honduras: Impunity for murders of human rights defenders in Honduras: Shooting of Mr. Antonio Trejo

Re: Impunity for murders of human rights defenders in Honduras: Shooting of Mr. Antonio Trejo To: Sr. Porfirio Lobo Sosa, President, Republic of Honduras From: Gail Davidson, Executive Director; Andrew Guaglio, LRWC Date: September 27, 2012 I am writing on behalf of Lawyers Rights Watch Canada … [Read more...]

LRWC Newsletter: August 2012

LRWC Action News | Upcoming Events | UN Human Rights Council | International Delegation of Lawyers to Colombia | Notable US Law Suit | Publications Click here for the pdf version with photos LRWC ACTION NEWS Cambodia Mam Sonando - LRWC, the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), the … [Read more...]

Side Event: Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparations and Guarantees of Non-recurrence | September 12, 2012, Palais des Nations, Geneva

Side Event on the Occasion of the Presentation of the First Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparations and Guarantees of Non-recurrence Invitation to the Side Event (pdf) September 12, 2012, Palais des Nations, Geneva: LRWC and the Asian Legal Resource … [Read more...]

Sudan: Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Human Rights Defenders

HE Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir Office of the President People’s Palace PO Box 281 Khartoum, Sudan Ali Ahmed Karti Ministry of Foreign Affairs/External Relations PO Box 873 Kharthoum, Sudan Advisory Council for Human Rights, Rapporteur PO Box 302 Khartoum, Sudan Ibrahim Mahmoud … [Read more...]