LRWC is gravely concerned by substantial charges of torture perpetrated against 122 individuals faced with charges relating to the secessionist Caprivi uprising of August 1999. There is fear the prisoners have been kept in unsanitary conditions and have been denied basic medical supplies. There is … [Read more...]

LODOISAMBUU SANJAASUREN – Lawyer and Human Rights Defender

Lodoisambuu Sanjaasuren was convicted of ¡°exposing state secrets¡± in November 2004 and received an 18 month prison sentence. The charges stemmed from Sanjaasuren's defence of Enkhbat Damiran who was kidnapped from France by Mongolian intelligence officers on May 15, 2003. In the course of his … [Read more...]

Heriberto Gomez Coello, Lawyer; Maria del Carmen Grajales Castillejos, Lawyer

Lawyers Heriberto Gomez Coello and Maria del Carmen Grajales Castillejos were arrested on August 11, 2004 in Cintalapa, in the southern state of Chiapas. They were charged with attempting to present false statements. Mr. Coella and Ms. Castillejos represent Eduardo Hernandez Sanchez, Carlos Navarro … [Read more...]

JESÚS MANUEL GRIJALVA MEJIA – Human Rights Lawyer and others

JESÚS MANUEL GRIJALVA MEJIA – Human Rights Lawyer MAYEN ARELLANES CANO – Human Rights Lawyer GILBERTO HERNÁNDEZ SANTIAGO – Human Rights Lawyer ALMA GÓMEZ SOTO – Human Rights Defender These four human rights activists have each faced threats to their safety, presumably because of their … [Read more...]

Jesús Manuel Grijalva Mejia, Mayen Arellanes Cano – Lawyers

Reports indicate that two lawyers working on behalf of protesters arrested in Oaxaca state, Jesús Manuel Grijalva and Mayen Arellanes, have been threatened over the past few weeks, apparently in reprisal for their human rights work with the Comité de Liberación 25 de Noviembre (Committee for the … [Read more...]

LUZ MARIA LLUVIAS FLORES – Lawyer and others

LUZ MARIA LLUVIAS FLORES - Lawyer RAÚL CRESPO CASARRUBIAS - Lawyer OSIRIS MARLENE AVILA ARELLANES - Lawyer BERNARDO SÁNCHEZ CRUZ – Lawyer On November 12, 2003 Luz Maria Lluvias Flores appeared before the local representative of the State Prosecutor’s Office (Ministerio Público del fuero … [Read more...]

LYDIA CACHO – Journalist and Human Rights Activist

Ms. Lydia Cacho, a prominent journalist and human rights activist, has received numerous death threats over the past several years. There was also an attempt on her life in February 2006 that has been attributed to her publication Los Demonios del Eden, which documents allegations that powerful … [Read more...]

MARCELINO SANTIAGO PACHECO – human rights defender

Marcelino Santiago Pacheco, member of Organización de Pueblos Indígenas Zapotecos (OPIZ), Organization of Zapotec Indigenous Peoples has not been seen since leaving his residence in Oaxaca City on April 27, 2003. The spokesman for OPIZ, and member of the National Movement for the Freedom of … [Read more...]

Martín Barrios Hernández – Human rights defender

Martín Barrios Hernández is the president of the Human ad Labour Rights Commission of Tehuacán Valley (Comisión de Derechos Humanos y Laborales del Valle de Tehuacán) in the state of Puebla. His campaign for the rights of maquiladora (assembly factory) workers in the region has been hampered by … [Read more...]


Sergio Dante Almaraz, a lawyer for Victor Javier Garcia who was detained, along with Gustavo González Meza, for the murder of eleven women in Ciudad Juárez, maintains that his client had been tortured while in custody and forced to make a false confession. AMR 41/006/2003 On February 2, 2002, … [Read more...]