Guatemala: Rudy Manuel Herrera, Assistant Prosecutor; Rony Lopez, Prosecutor against Organized Crime

On March 8, 2009, Assistant Prosecutor Rudy Manuel Herrera, 45 years-old, was assassinated on the 13th Street, Italy Settlement, Colonia El Limón, Zone 18. Mr. Herrera’s son, Eddy Herrera Merida, 18, was also wounded and was transferred to the Hospital in San Juan de Dios with a gunshot wound to the … [Read more...]


On January 19, 2009, human rights lawyer Mr. Stanislav Markelov and journalist for with the Novaya Gazeta, Ms. Anastasia Baburova were assassinated. Both parties were shot dead by a masked gunman in broad daylight around two in the afternoon on Prechistenka Street in the center of Moscow close to … [Read more...]

Philippines: Extra-judicial killings and disappearances

Extra-Judicial Killings of Jurists in the Philippines The Dutch Lawyers for Lawyers Foundation (L4L) published a report, From Facts to Action: Report on the Attack Against Filipino Lawyers and Judges, compiled by two Dutch judges and six Dutch and Belgian lawyers, on the unsolved murders of … [Read more...]

Defending Defenders in Pakistan: Rule of Law Solidarity | Report

Defending defenders in Pakistan “Many people have been released from jail only because of international pressure from your organization and others. Our government had to release them because of this pressure. I just want to mention how important this is and that we need you to … [Read more...]

Asma Jahangir and other human rights defenders detained in the state of emergency

Acting in his capacity as army chief of staff, General Musharraf suspended the bulk of the Constitution, including the rights not to be arbitrarily deprived of life and to be guaranteed a fair trial. Members of the judiciary are now effectively suspended unless they take a new oath to uphold the … [Read more...]

Members of HRDP – Nonviolent Demonstrations in Myanmar

Reports indicate that on July 24, 2007, six members of a group, Human Rights Defenders and Promoters (HRDP), dedicated to the promotion of human rights in Burma were sentenced to between four to eight years’ imprisonment for “intent to cause public disturbances” in Myanmar. The six members included: … [Read more...]

LARISSA ARAP – Journalist and Opposition Activist

Reports indicate that on July 5th, 2007, Ms. Larissa Arap, a Russian journalist, opposition activist and member of the United Civil Front, was arrested and has been forcibly interned in a psychiatric hospital where, according to information received, she would be forcefully injected with drugs and … [Read more...]

SAT SAVUTH – Cambodian human rights campaigner

Reports indicate that Mr. Sat Savuth, a well-known Cambodian human rights campaigner advocating land and forestry rights in Anlong Veng’s Phat commune, was attacked at his home in the Oddar Meanchey province. On the evening of July 23, 2007, four assailants threw a grenade at the front door of his … [Read more...]

Threats against Global Witness

Global Witness, a UK-based NGO which is particularly active in the protection of the environment and natural resources, has been threatened and censured by the Cambodian government. On 01 June 2007, Global Witness released a report titled “Cambodia’s Family Trees: Illegal logging and the … [Read more...]

PARVEZ ALAM CHOUDHRY – Lawyer, YOUNIS MASIH – Pakistani Christian

PARVEZ ALAM CHOUDHRY – Lawyer, Chairman of Legal Aid for Destitute and Settlement YOUNIS MASIH – Pakistani Christian Younis Masih, a Pakistani Christian, has been sentenced to death based on an apparently unfounded charge of blasphemy. His lawyer, Parvez Aslam Choudhry, has been subjected to … [Read more...]