China: Guo Guoting, Lawyer

In March 2005, the Shanghai Bureau of Justice banned accomplished Chinese lawyer Guo Guoting from practicing for one year. Charged with ¡°defiling and slandering¡± the Communist Party and government, this recent action is only the latest in a series of harassment Mr. Guo has faced in past months for … [Read more...]


KHUN TUN OO – Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) Chair, SAI NYUNT LWIN – SNLD Secretar, SAI HLA AUNG – SNLD Central Committee Member, SAO KYAR OO – SNLD Member, U MYINT THAN - Shan New Generation Youth Member, GENERAL HSO TEN – Shan State Peace Council (SSPC) Chairman, U SHWE OHN – … [Read more...]

Mexico: Digna Ochoa y Plácido, lawyer

ABOUT THE DIGNA OCHOA CASE: Digna Ochoa y Plácido, human rights lawyers was murdered in her Mexico City office on October 19th 2001: Ms Ochoa was shot in the leg and head with a .22 caliber weapon. At the time of her death, it was widely believed that Digna Ochoa was murdered because of her … [Read more...]

MAKHMUT MAGOMADOV – Human Rights Lawyer

On January 20, 2005, Makhmut Magomadov (spelling amended) was seized by armed men in Gozny. Mr. Magomadov has not been seen or heard from since this incident. The Staropromyslovskii district procuracy and the Staropromyslovskii district police claim that Magomadov was released on January 23, 2005. … [Read more...]

Ecuador: MARLON SANTI – President of the Sarayaku Association

MARLON SANTI – President of the Sarayaku Association, Candidate for the Presidency of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador On December 21, 2004, Marlon Santi, President of the Sarayaku Association and a candidate for the presidency of the Confederation of Indigenous … [Read more...]


On October 9, 2004, at approximately 3:15 am staff and members of KARAPATAN and EMJP, as well as some of there families and victims of human rights abuses who were staying at the compound, were awakened by 5 masked men shouting hostilities and banging loudly at the gate. Reportedly, the men also … [Read more...]

Edda Gaviola and other members of CALDH–Human rights defenders

On 14 July 2004, the home of Edda Gaviola, director of the Centro para Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH), the Centre for Human Rights Legal Action, was broken into. Nothing was stolen, but intimidating messages were left. The following day Edda Gaviola returned home accompanied by United … [Read more...]

Honduras: Andrés Pavón Murillo – President of CODEH

Andrés Pavón Murillo, president of the Comité para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Honduras (CODEH), Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Honduras, has been subject to intimidation, after he accused the Honduran State of violating human rights, negligence and the denial of justice … [Read more...]

Guatemala: Maria Isabel Escobar and staff at Donde Están Los Niños y Las Niñas?| Letter

Staff and members of the non-governmental organization Donde están los niños y las niñas? (Where Are The Children?) have been facing increasing threats and violence in recent months. It is feared the increases intimidation are an attempt to prevent the organization from continuing its work … [Read more...]

Ecuador: Pablo Xavier Ortiz-Academic and Adviser of Amazanga Institute Members of the Fundación Pachamama

The human rights organization Fundación Pachamama received a telephone bomb threat on 6 April. This is the latest in a series of acts of intimidation and threatening phone calls they and the Instituto Amazanga have suffered since February this year. Both organizations have supported the Sarayaku … [Read more...]