Colombia violates right to defend human rights | IACtHR
Colombia violates right to defend human rights | IACtHR
Thailand: Acquittal in SLAPP against whistleblower Chutima Sidasathian
Thailand: Acquittal in SLAPP against whistleblower Chutima Sidasathian
Global Coalition accepts UN Human Rights Prize
Global Coalition accepts UN Human Rights Prize
Russia: Voted off UN ECOSOC’s Committee on NGOs after 75 years
Russia: Voted off UN ECOSOC’s Committee on NGOs after 75 years
UN General Assembly suspends Russia from Human Rights Council
UN General Assembly suspends Russia from Human Rights Council
Thailand: Angkhana Neelapaijit appointed to UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances
Thailand: Angkhana Neelapaijit appointed to UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances
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Welcome  developments after LRWC  advocacy, research or education

United Nations Guidance Note: Protection and Promotion of Civic Space | Welcome Development

UN_Guidance_Note (PDF)  (UN Link to Guidance Note) | UN_Guidance_Note_Executive_Summary (PDF) (UN_Link to Executive Summary) Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada welcomes the launch of the UN Guidance Note on Protection and Promotion of Civic Space. The Guidance Note affirms the role and responsibility … [Read more...]

Turkey: Lawyers Levent Pişkin, Cahit Kırkazak and Ayşe Batumlu acquitted | Welcome developments

Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada welcomes news that on 18 November 2020 a Turkish court  acquitted eleven people including lawyers Levent Pişkin, Cahit Kırkazak, and Ayşe Batumlu, on all charges of membership in a terrorist organization and terror propaganda. In July 2019, LRWC was among 17 … [Read more...]

Thailand’s SLAPP suits against defenders: One acquittal and one case dropped | Update

In Thailand, people who report human rights abuses are regularly subjected to criminal defamation charges. During the last week of October, 2020, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) welcomed developments in two of Thailand’s well-known cases of Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation … [Read more...]

Turkey: Lawyer Aytaç Ünsal ends hunger strike after Supreme Court releases him from prison | Update

LRWC has been advised that Turkish lawyer Aytaç Ünsal called off his hunger strike on 4 September following a stay of his detention order until he has recovered. The order was granted by Turkey's Supreme Court on 3 September due to his state of health. His treatment by independent physicians has … [Read more...]

Canada: Federal Court invalidates Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement saying its impact “shocks the conscience” | Update

UPDATE: 21 August 2020: LRWC is disappointed that Canada's federal government has chosen to appeal the 23 July 2020 Federal Court of Canada ruling that the Canada-US does not measure up to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Public Safety Minister Bill Blair issued a statement on Friday 21 … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Committee publishes interpretation on the right of peaceful assembly | Update

UN Human Rights Committee General Comment 37 on the right of peaceful assembly [off this site] LRWC 20 February 2020 comments on the Draft Commentary. PDF (ENG) LRWC welcomes the publication of the UN Human Rights Committee's new General Comment on the right of peaceful assembly. On 20 … [Read more...]

UN Human Rights Council: Urgent Debate on systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protest | Joint Oral Statement

Update 19 June 2020: UN Human Rights Council adopted by consensus resolution A/HRC/43/L.50 requesting the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights "to prepare a report on systemic racism, violations of international human rights law against Africans and people of African descent by law enforcement … [Read more...]

Thailand: Dismissal of criminal defamation cases against human rights defenders Ms. Sutharee Wannasiri and Mr. Nan Win | Update

On 8 June 2020, the Bangkok Criminal Court in Thailand dismissed charges of criminal defamation brought by Thai poultry company Thammakaset Co., Ltd, (Thammakaset) against human rights defenders Ms. Sutharee Wannasiri and Mr. Nan Win. LRWC welcomes the dismissal of these charges. Thammakaset has 30 … [Read more...]

Bahrain: Human rights defender Nabeel Rajab released from prison | Update

Full PDF (ENG) On 9 June, human rights defender Nabeel Rajab was released from Bahrain's Jaw prison to serve a non-custodial sentence, after spending nearly four years in arbitrary detention in relation to tweets and media interviews criticising Bahrain’s human rights record. Along with … [Read more...]

China: Released Chinese rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang finally reunites with family

Human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang was released from detention on 5 April 2020. He was arrested during the “709 Crackdown” (which started on July 9th in 2015). After being secretly detained in a secret location for more than 1200 days, Wang Quanzhanghe was tried behind closed doors on 26 December … [Read more...]