Colombia violates right to defend human rights | IACtHR
Colombia violates right to defend human rights | IACtHR
Thailand: Acquittal in SLAPP against whistleblower Chutima Sidasathian
Thailand: Acquittal in SLAPP against whistleblower Chutima Sidasathian
Global Coalition accepts UN Human Rights Prize
Global Coalition accepts UN Human Rights Prize
Russia: Voted off UN ECOSOC’s Committee on NGOs after 75 years
Russia: Voted off UN ECOSOC’s Committee on NGOs after 75 years
UN General Assembly suspends Russia from Human Rights Council
UN General Assembly suspends Russia from Human Rights Council
Thailand: Angkhana Neelapaijit appointed to UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances
Thailand: Angkhana Neelapaijit appointed to UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances
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Welcome  developments after LRWC  advocacy, research or education

Honduras: Group of Experts Calls for International Supervision of Honduras police investigation in Berta Caceres’ murder | Press Release

GAIPE, an international group of experts, have examined and reported on the investigation by Honduras of the 3 March 2016 assassination of prominent indigenous land rights activist Berta Cáceres. The report, entitled "Dam of Violence: the Plan to Kill Berta Cáceres," reveals a failure on the part … [Read more...]

Turkey: Eight Human Rights Defenders Released Pending Trial

On 25 October 2017, an Istanbul court issued a decision to conditionally release eight human rights defenders while the court proceedings regarding charges continue. Released are: İdil Eser, Director of Amnesty Turkey, Özlem Dalkıran, Günal Kurşun, Veli Acu, Ali Gharavi, Peter Steudtner, Nalan Erkem … [Read more...]

Turkey: Lawyer Ramazan Demir Wins IBA Human Rights Award

Turkish human rights lawyer Ramazan Demir is the recipient of the 2017 IBA Human Rights Award. Ramazan Demir has been jailed and prosecuted twice for providing legal representation in high profile cases to lawyers and journalists facing charges because of their legitimate professional activities. … [Read more...]

Canada/USA: Boyle/Coleman Family Rescued

News flash – BOYLE/COLEMAN FAMILY RESCUED IN PAKISTAN. Announcing the very happy news of the release of Joshua Boyle, Caitlan Coleman and their three infant children. Boyle and Coleman were taken hostage in Afghanistan by the Haqqani network in October 2012. The three children were born in … [Read more...]

Argentina: Alberto Nisman Death Found to be Murder

A team of 28 experts has concluded in a 14 September 2017 report that Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was murdered on 18 January 2015 by a gunshot to the head and did not die by suicide as claimed by Argentine authorities. Nisman was the Special Prosecutor in the investigation of the 1994 bombing … [Read more...]

Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, Somchai Homlaor and Anchana Heemmina: CRIMINAL DEFAMATION CHARGES DROPPED 07/03/17

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Khalafalla Al-Afif Mukhtar, Midhat A. Hamdan, Mustafa Adam: RELEASED 06/03/17

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Al Hassan Kheiry, Arwa Elrabie and Imany-Leyla Raye: CHARGES DROPPED 19/01/17

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Ghada Jamsheer: RELEASED 20/12/16

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Nguyễn Văn Đài: WGAD COMPLAINT FILED 29/11/16

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