On the morning of 29 March, a written death threat was delivered to the offices of the non-governmental human rights organization Comision Intereclesial Justicia y Paz, Inter-Church Justice and Peace Commission. The threat accused Danilo Rueda and other members of the organization of being guerrilla supporters.
Danilo Rueda had to leave the country temporarily after a similar death threat two years ago.
Justicia y Pax campaigns on behalf of civilian communities in conflict regions in Colombia, which suffer human rights violations at the hands of the security forces and their paramilitary allies
Justicia y Paz had recently intervened in a hearing of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of the Organization of American States. They were lodging a complaint that indigenous, Afro-descendent and peasant farmer communities were being driven off their land by the actions of the army and their paramilitary allies in the deparments of Curvarado, Jigumiando and Choco.
Letter written on April 4, 2005 by Heather Neun