Global Call for the UN to Recognize the Right to a Healthy Environment | Joint letter

Full joint letter (pdf) | See the signatories

LRWC was among the signatories of a joint letter to the UN Human Rights Council seeking recognition of the human right of all to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. Included in the letter was a concern about protection of environmental human rights defenders:

14. The Human Rights Council has stressed that environmental human rights defenders must be  ensured a safe and enabling environment to undertake their work, “in recognition of their important role
in supporting States to fulfil their obligations.”18 The universal recognition of this right will further buttress the legitimacy of their efforts and highlight the key role they play in ensuring that States
effectively protect the environment while respecting, protecting, and fulfilling all human rights. It will also urge States to protect child, young, and adult environmental human rights defenders from
worryingly high levels of threats and attacks.