Lawyers in Turkey Under Attack Seminar | Event

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Held on January 24th each year since 2010, the Day of the Endangered Lawyer provides an opportunity to learn about the personal and professional safety of lawyers in a selected country facing persecution, prosecution, arbitrary detention, threats, torture, assaults and death as a consequence of carrying out their professional duties. The focus this year is on lawyers in Turkey. Between July 2016 and 1 January 2019 alone there have been 594 lawyers arrested, 1546 prosecuted and 216 sentenced to a total of 1,361 years in prison.

Join us at the UBC Allard School of Law and learn what you can do to assist

Date: January 24
Time: 12:30 to 2:00 pm
Location: UBC Faculty of Law, Allard Hall, Room 104

Sponsored by Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC)

The event can be watched livestream at:

Presentations by Brian Samuels Q.C., Ozge Yazar and Mehmet Kilic will be followed by Q & A

  • Brian Samuels Q.C. Vancouver-based barrister, LRWC Director and Turkey Monitor;
  • Mehmet Kilic, President of the Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF), Director of the Center for Global Affairs at Peace Islands Institute, and PHD candidate at Walden University;
  • Ozge Yazar, Third year student at Allard School of Law, B.A. from Bogazici University.

Speakers will review the increasing use in Turkey and the effects of, illegitimate charges, politically motivated prosecutions and executive controlled courts to arbitrary convict and imprison lawyers, activists, journalists and others for peacefully promoting or protecting human rights or reporting violations. Reports and communications on these issues by LRWC, LWF, the Arrested Lawyers Initiative and the Law Society of England and Wales will be discussed.

The Day of the Endangered Lawyer in Turkey Seminar is free

For more information contact LRWC
Tel: +1 604 736 1175