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Annual General Meeting 2022
Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
Lawyers’ Rights Watch (Legal Research) Canada
Date: Friday, June 17, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Pacific time)
N.B. All LRWC members are welcome to attend; only paid up members can vote.
For more information: Please email
Meeting ID: 818 1880 7130
Passcode: 067540
Dial in: Find your local number –
1. Receipt and approval of the minutes of the May 7, 2021 Annual General Meeting.
2. Receipt and approval of the Financial Statements for LRWC and LRW(Legal Research)C for the period ending 31 December 2021;
- LRW.LR.C.BalanceSheet.31Dec2021
- LRW.LR.C.YTDOperating2021.TransferNote.Errata
- LRWC.BalanceSheet.2021
- LRWC.YTDOperatingStmt.2021
3. Nomination and Election of Directors for LRWC for the 2022/2023 year;
Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada – Board of Directors Nominees
Clive Ansley (Courtenay, BC, Canada)
Marjorie Cohn (San Diego, CA, USA)
Gail Davidson (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Joshua Lam (Victoria, BC, Canada)
Leo McGrady Q.C. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Heather Neun (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Brian Samuels Q.C. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
David F. Sutherland Q.C. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
4. Nomination and Election of Directors for LRW(Legal Research)C for the 2022/2023 year;
Lawyers’ Rights Watch (Legal Research) Canada – Board of Directors Nominees
Temisan Boyo Fanou (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Joey Doyle (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Rob Lapper Q.C. (Delta, BC, Canada)
Gavin Magrath (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Robert Morales (Duncan, BC, Canada)
Harini Sivalingam (Markham, Ontario, Canada)
Margaret (Peggy) Stanier (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Grace Woo (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
5. Motion re: appointment of a public accountant under the Not for Profit Corporations Act,
Whereas the annual income of each of LRWC and LRW(LR) is less than $50,000,
Be it resolved that LRWC and LRW(LR)C each waive appointment of a public accountant for the year ending 31 December 2022
6. Discussion of Transition planning;
7. Other Business
Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada – 2021 Annual Report