Saudi Arabia: Release lawyer Waleed Abu al-Khair from arbitrary detention | Update

January 2022 marks seven years since the 15-year prison sentence of human rights lawyer Waleed Abu al-Khair was confirmed by Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Court of Appeal on 12 January 2015. He was targeted for imprisonment because of his representation of clients unpopular with Saudi Arabia's monarchy … [Read more...]

India: Release Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez | Letter

Full .pdf letter (EN) On 14 January 2022, LRWC wrote a letter to authorities in India expressing serious concern about the arbitrary detention of Kashmiri human rights defender Mr. Khurram Parvez, who was arrested and imprisoned on 22 November 2021 on  vague and overbroad terrorism laws that are … [Read more...]

Colombia: The Day of the Endangered Lawyer, 24 January 2022 | Recording now online

See the 27-page report of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2022: Colombia English (pdf) | Espanol (.pdf) | Turkish (.pdf) | other languages forthcoming List of supporting documents for further reading (EN) See the recording of the event attended by 1,105 people. REGISTER NOW: 24 … [Read more...]

Escalating Threats to Colombian Human Rights Advocates: The Day of the Endangered Lawyer, 24 January 2022 | Article

This article originally appeared in, an online magazine for Canadian lawyers, on 11 January 2022. Yessika Hoyos Morales, a lawyer  in Colombia, is a speaker at the upcoming event on 24 January for the Day of the Endangered Lawyer. See more information and register for the event, which is … [Read more...]

The Day of the Endangered Lawyer, January 24, 2022: Colombia | The Advocate, January 2022

First published in The Advocate, 80(1) (January 2022): 79-82. See a PDF version of the article. THE   DAY  OF  THE  ENDANGERED  LAWYER,  JANUARY  24,  2022: COLOMBIA By Heather Neun* and Catherine Morris† In 2021, threats to lawyers and other human rights defenders around the … [Read more...]

2021 year-end message from Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada

Donate to support LRWC's work Join or renew your membership for 2022 Download the message in .pdf format. During the last weeks of 2021, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada volunteers have been continuing to stand up for lawyers and human rights defenders under threat around the world. We … [Read more...]

Thailand: Withdraw the Draft Act on Not-for-Profit Organizations | Joint letter

Full .pdf joint letter (EN) | Full .pdf letter (TH) On 27 December 2021, 47 Thai and international civil society organizations, including Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, wrote a letter to Thailand's Cabinet urging immediate withdrawal of the proposed Operation of Not-for-Profit Organizations Act. … [Read more...]

China: Arbitrary detention of human rights lawyer Ding Jiaxi and legal scholar Xu Zhiyong | Joint Statement

Full .pdf statement (EN) On 23 December 2021, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada joined The 29 Principles, Lawyers for Lawyers, and Human Rights Now in a joint statement calling on China to ensure fair trials and end all arbitrary detention, torture, and ill-treatment. The statement outlines the … [Read more...]

Colombia: Ensure protection from death threats for lawyers of CCAJAR | Joint letter

Full pdf letter (EN and ES) In a joint letter issued on 22 December 2021, Lawyers for Lawyers, the Colombian Caravana, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, and the Law Society of … [Read more...]

Cambodia: Halt judicial harassment of human rights defenders and dissidents | Statement

Full pdf statement Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is alarmed by Cambodia’s escalating judicial harassment of human rights defenders and government critics despite numerous recommendations from UN experts and the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). Currently, more than 130 persons are being … [Read more...]