In Memoriam of Carolyn McCool | News

Carolyn McCool, lawyer and human rights advocate Photo Credit: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Carolyn McCool, lawyer and human rights advocate passed away on 29 May 2018. Carolyn will be sadly missed by Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and many other organizations and … [Read more...]

End repression and persecution of lawyers in Turkey | Joint Oral Statement to the 38th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full PDF Version Video Stream Available (Chapter 52, at 02:21:30) United Nations Human Rights Council 38th Regular Session 18 June to 6 July 2018 Agenda Item 3 Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Joint Oral … [Read more...]

Canada: A Big Win for Equality and Non-discrimination (& LRWC) at the Supreme Court of Canada | News

Supreme Court of Canada Photo Credit: Adrian Lee The Supreme Court of Canada dismissed the appeal in Trinity Western University v Law Society of Upper Canada and allowed the appeal in Law Society of BC v Trinity Western University The Supreme Court of Canada ruled on 15 June 2018 that the … [Read more...]

Vietnam: On 7 June 2018 Nguyen Van Dai and his colleague Le Thu Ha were released from prison in Viet Nam and exiled to Germany | News

Nguyen Van Dai (human rights advocate) with his wife and Le Thu Ha (human rights advocate) Photo Credit: Viet Tan Nguyen Van Dai has been detained since 18 December 2015 for his human rights advocacy. In April 2018, both Nguyen Van Dai and Le Thu Ha were found guilty of “carrying out … [Read more...]

Vietnam: No Free Trade With UNFree Regimes | Letter

Full PDF Version 90 NGOs including LRWC call on the EU to reject the proposed free trade agreement until Viet Nam releases all political prisoner, including Nguyen Van Dai, and ensures rights to expression and association. June 6, 2018 To: The Council of the European Union The … [Read more...]

Saudi Arabia: Loujain Al-Hathloul & others arbitrarily detained and accused | Letter

Full PDF Version Loujain Al-Hathloul, women’s rights activists Photo Credit: Amnesty International Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada is calling on the Government of Canada to immediately take diplomatic measures to ensure the liberty and safety from wrongful prosecution of Loujain Al-Halthloul … [Read more...]

China: Human rights advocates suffer detention, ill-treatment and trials in violation of international law | Written Statement to the 38th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Full .pdf version (with footnotes) Item 4 – Human rights situations that require Council’s attention Written Statement by Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada an NGO in Special Consultative Status to the 38th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council China: Human rights advocates … [Read more...]

Thailand: Appeal Court reverses criminal defamation conviction against human rights defender Andy Hall | News

Read the full story HERE. Andy Hall, British human rights defender Photo Credit: Bangkok OHCHR On 31 May 2018, Thailand’s Appeals Court reversed the September 2016 conviction of Andy Hall, a British human rights defender, on criminal defamation charges and offences under the Computer … [Read more...]

Colombia: End Violence Against Human Rights Defenders and Social Leaders | Joint Letter

Full PDF Version (English) Full PDF Version (Español) Luis Guillermo Pérez, Colombian Human Rights Defender. Photo Credit: Peace Brigades International 14 May 2018 Dear President Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, We write to you in the name of the signed organisations. We welcomed the … [Read more...]

Sudan: Immediately Cease Harassment and Intimidation of Adil Mohamed Al-Imam and Noura Hussein’s Legal Defence Team | Letter

Full PDF Version Sudan attempts to shut down public debate and prevent dissemination of information about the Noura Hussein case that has sparked a global cal for 'Justice for Noura'. Restrictions Sudan imposed on Noura Hussein's lawyer contravene international human rights law protections of … [Read more...]