UN High Level Political Forum: Ensure meaningful civil society participation | Joint letter to UN member States

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LRWC was among 460 civil society organisations from 115 countries signing a letter to UN member States seeking their support to ensure effective participation of civil society during the upcoming UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) scheduled for 7-16 July 2020.

June 2020

Dear Excellencies,

We, the undersigned 460 civil society organisations (CSOs) from 115 countries, write to seek your support in ensuring the effective participation of civil society during the upcoming UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) scheduled for 7-16 July 2020. As the preeminent multistakeholder body responsible for the review and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), HLPF processes derive strength from the engagement of diverse actors including a broad range of civil society organisations working at various levels. As the HLPF transitions to virtual communication and convening for its July 2020 session due to the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential that all relevant actors, including States and UN agencies, support and devise clear modalities to enable robust virtual civil society participation.

In response to disruptions caused by COVID-19, a number of Inter-governmental bodies have taken concerted efforts to facilitate extensive virtual participation in official meetings. Inclusive virtual modalities are crucial to supporting international cooperation in the spirit of multilateralism. An enabling environment for all stakeholders to participate that takes into account digital divides is thus crucial.

In his “We are all in this Together” statement of 23 April 2020, UN Secretary General António Guterres underlined the importance of promoting and protecting civic space in response to COVID-19. With respect to the SDGs, Secretary General Guterres unequivocally stated that, “Looking ahead, we need to build back better. The Sustainable Development Goals — which are underpinned by human rights — provide the framework for more inclusive and sustainable economies and societies”. Civil society is key to implementing the SDGs and we must take united action to ensure that the virtual HLPF reflects the broad spectrum of stakeholders who are committed to creating The World We Want.

To this end, we urge all states and UN agencies to support the following measures:

  • Provide an opportunity for at least three Major Group and Other stakeholders to respond to each Voluntary National Review (VNR), one of which should be from civil society.
  • Representatives from national civil society groups voices should be prioritized for inclusion during the HLPF, with adequate representation from regional and international civil society organisations.
  • Written questions should also be presented and answered within a month of the HLPF for those who are unable to ask their question within the given time of the VNR session.
  • All civil society shadow VNR reports should be published on the UN’s official HLPF website.
  • Ensure side events are inclusive of stakeholder participation, including a wide range of civil society led side online events to be shared in the official programme.
  • Identify more participatory approaches to engage with stakeholders on an ongoing basis, including best practice on use of online meeting technology to provide inputs, to ensure a more inclusive process before, during and after the main HLPF sessions

We thank you in advance for your consideration.


  1. A Toda Voz AC
  2. Aakash Welfare Society Hyderabad
  3. Access Now
  4. Acción Solidaria
  5. ACCIONA Transformando Caminospara SER y HACER A.C.
  6. Accountability Lab
  7. Achtung labs private limited
  8. ACT Alliance
  9. ActionAid Denmark
  10. ActionAid International
  11. Action for Sustainable Develpment
  12. ADAB (Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh)
  13. ADD International
  14. Adivasi Women’s Network
  15. Adivasi-Koordination, Germany
  16. Advocacy, Research, Training and Services (ARTS) Foundation
  17. Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB)
  18. Ageing Nepal
  19. Agenda Cero A.C.
  20. Aid Organization
  21. AIDS-Fondet – The Danish AIDS Foundation
  22. AidWatch Canada
  24. Al Dua welfare organization
  25. Al Falah Organization Islampur Swat
  26. Alberta Council for Global Cooperation
  27. Alfalah Tanzeem Swat
  28. Alimentos de México a Compartir, A. C.
  29. Alkhidmat Foundation GB
  30. Allai Developement Organization
  31. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
  32. Amnesty International
  33. Amnistia Inernacional, Portugal
  34. Animis Philanthropic Ventures Inc.
  35. Arab Youth Platform for Sustainable Development – League of Arab States
  36. ARCADIA – Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development
  37. Argentine Network for International Cooperation – RACI
  38. ARTICLE 19
  39. Asia Dalit Rights Forum
  40. Asia Development Alliance
  41. Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
  42. Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC)
  43. Asociación de Organismos No Gubernamentales (ASONOG)
  44. Asociación Mexicana de Amigos Metabólicos, A.C. A.C.
  45. Asociación Nacional de Síndrome de Williams AC
  46. Association femmes leadership et développement durable
  47. Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD
  48. Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia
  49. Association For Promotion Sustainable Development
  50. Association Nationale des Partenaires Migrants
  51. Associations 21 Augustinians International (Curia Generalizia Agostiniana)
  52. Avoid Accident
  53. Awaz Foundation Pakistan
  54. AwazCDS-Pakistan
  55. Azat Foundation
  56. Baghbaan
  57. Bai Indigenous Womens Network in the Philippines
  58. Bangladesh Indigenous Women’s Network
  59. Bangladesh Nari Progati Shangha (BNPS)
  60. Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication
  61. Biosauenergie
  62. Bond
  63. Born Free Foundation
  64. Bright Star Development Society Balochistan (BSDSB)
  65. British Columbia Council For International Cooperation
  66. Brooke
  67. Bulgarian Platform for International Development (BPID)
  68. Burundi Child Rights Coalition (BCRC)
  69. CAFSO-WRAG for Development
  70. Canadian Council for International Co-operation
  71. Cancer Aid Society
  72. Caribbean Coalition for Development and the Reduction of Armed Violence (CDRAV)
  73. Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO)
  74. Center for Civil Liberties
  75. Center for Environmental Concerns – Philippines
  76. Center for National and International Studies
  77. Centre for Environmental Justice
  78. Centre for Human Rights and Development
  79. Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur
  80. Centre for Social Equity and Inclusion (CSEI)
  81. Centre for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights
  82. Centro de Arte y Cultura Popular Tonalteca A.C.
  83. Centro de Justicia y Paz – Cepaz
  84. Centros de cuidado, Atencion y educación integral coralitos AC
  85. ChildHelp Sierra Leone
  86. Christian Blind Mission
  87. Church of Sweden
  88. Church Women United Washington DC Unit
  89. Civic Initiatives
  90. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
  91. Civil Society Coalition on Sustainable Development
  92. Civil Society SDGs Campaign/GCAP Zambia
  93. CIVILIS Derechos Humanos
  94. COAST Trust
  95. Colectivo Ollin, Alternativas para la Comunicaciòn, la Sexualidad y el Desarrollo Comunitario AC
  96. Colectivo pro Inclusión e Igualdad Jalisco, A. C.
  97. Colores del Rincón A.C. – MY World México
  98. Commons Cluster of the UN NGO Major Group
  99. Commons for EcoJustice
  100. Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)
  101. Commonwealth Medical Trust
  102. Community Advancement through Research & Development CARD
  103. Community Initiatives for development in Pakistan
  104. Comunidad de Organizaciones Solidarias
  105. Concord Italia
  106. CONCORD Sweden
  107. Congrégation des soeurs de Notre Dame de Charité du Bon Pasteur
  108. Congregation of Notre Dame de Montreal
  109. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
  110. Congregation of the Mission
  111. Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca A.C:
  112. Cooperation for Peace and Development (CPD)
  113. CoopeSoliDar R.L
  114. Coordinación de ONG y Cooperativas CONGCOOP
  115. Council for NGOs in Malawi – CONGOMA
  116. Council for Participatory Development
  117. Crispin Swedi Bilombele
  118. CRV & Co
  119. D.C. Unit Church Women United
  120. Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
  121. Dalit NGO Federation, Nepal
  122. Dalit Youth Alliance (DYA)
  123. DanChurchAid
  124. Danish United Nations Association
  125. Dawn Development Organization
  126. Debasis Chowdhury Rana
  127. DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)
  128. Dehi Ijtimai Tarqyati Social Workers Council (DITSWC)
  129. Dehi Taraqiati Tanzeem (DTT) BILLITANG KOHAT KPK
  130. Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR)
  131. Desértica, Soluciones Endovasculares A.C.
  132. Despertares Derechos Humanos
  133. Development Dynamics
  134. DHEWA (development for health education work & awareness) Welfare Society Chakwal Bheen
  135. Dillu Prasad Ghimire
  136. District Development Association
  137. District Development Association Tharparkar (DDAT)
  138. Dóchas
  139. Dominican Leadership Conference
  140. Dosse SOSSOUGA
  141. Dr. Tristaca McCray
  142. DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung)
  143. DUF – The Danish Youth Council
  144. Earth Community
  145. East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)
  146. Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research
  147. Edmund Rice International
  149. Empresa marhnos®
  150. Environmental Partnership Council
  151. EOS – Association for Studies, Cooperation and Development
  152. Equality Bahamas
  153. Equality For All Development Organisation
  154. Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation
  155. Ethiopian Human Rights Council
  156. European Youth Forum
  157. Fagaras Research Institute
  158. Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights
  159. Feminist Dalit Organizations (FEDO)
  160. FIAN Sri Lanka
  161. Finnish Development NGOs Fingo
  162. Fixing The World
  163. FKM BKA YWU
  164. FOKUS – Forum for Women and Development
  165. Fondazione Proclade Internazionale – onlus
  166. Food Security Network-PRAN
  167. Foreign Spouses Support Group and Malaysian Campaign for Equal Citizenship
  168. Former Commissioner, National Human Rights Commission Nepal
  169. Forum for Women in Democracy
  170. Forum of women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
  171. Forum Syd
  172. Forus
  173. Foundation for Older Persons’ Development (FOPDEV)
  174. Foundation For Sustainable Development and Climate Action (FSDCA)
  175. Freshwater Action Network Mexico (FANMex)
  176. Friends of Angola
  178. Fundación Dibujando un Mañana
  179. Fundación Heinrich Böll – Ciudad de México, México y el Caribe
  180. Fundación Mexicana de Medicina Paliativa y Alivio del Dolor en Cáncer A.C.
  181. Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar, A. C. MEXFAM
  183. Fundación MYWM- MY World México
  184. Fundación Sanders AC
  186. Fundamedios
  187. Gals Forum International
  188. Gatef orginzation
  189. Generacion2030
  190. GESIP Centro para la Gestión Integral y Participativa S.C.
  191. Gestión Estratégica para Resultados de Desarrollo S.C.
  192. Gestos (soropositividade, comunicação, gênero)
  193. Global Call to Action against Poverty
  194. Global Citizen
  195. Global Integrity
  196. Global NGO Executive Committee
  197. Global Shepherds
  198. Globalt Fokus
  199. Good Shepherd International Foundation- Nepal
  200. Good Shepherd Sisters
  201. Gopal Kiran Samaj Sevi Sanstha
  202. Governance, Elections, Advocacy, Research Services (GEARS) Initiative Zambia
  203. Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS)
  204. GREENfluidics
  205. Groupe d’Action pour le Progrès et la Paix (G.A.P.P.-Afrique)
  206. Groupe d’Action pour le Progrès et la Paix (G.A.P.P.-BÉNIN)
  207. Groupe d’Action pour le Progrès et la Paix (G.A.P.P.-Mali)
  208. Grupo Holístico para el bienestar investigación y desarrollo social Integral, A.C
  210. HAKI Africa
  211. HelpAge Deutschland
  212. Hevas Innovación
  213. Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP)
  214. IMCS Pax Romana
  215. IMS (International Media Support)
  216. Incidencia y Gobernanza Ambiental AC
  217. INCIDIR, A. C.
  218. Institute for Socioeconomic Studies – INESC
  219. Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary -Loreto Generalate
  220. Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo (ICD)
  221. Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, AC
  222. International Association for Religious Freedom Coordination Council for South Asia
  223. International Commission of Jurists
  224. International Federation of Business and Professional Women
  225. International IPMSDL
  226. International Movement for Advancement of Education Culture Social & Economic Development (IMAECSED)
  227. International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists
  228. International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development
  229. International Open Network
  230. International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR)
  231. International Planned Parenthood Federation
  232. International Service for Human Rights
  233. International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA)
  234. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
  235. INTRAC
  236. Jaag Welfare Movement
  237. Jairos Jiri Association
  238. Jandran Welfare Foundation
  239. Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs
  240. Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
  241. Jeunes Verts Togo
  242. Julián Carrillo My Words México Kids
  243. Juventud 2030 GTO.
  244. K.U.L.U. – Women and Development (KULU)
  245. Kafka Welfare Organization
  246. Kamal Subedi
  247. Kanimi EcoTienda
  248. Karapatan Alliance Philippines
  249. Kathak Academy
  250. Khpal Kore Organization
  252. Kothowain (Vulnerable Peoples Development Organization)
  253. Kyawkrup Foundation
  254. La Transformación del Graffiti al Arte Pictorico, A. C.
  255. Lanakaná Princípios Sustentáveis
  256. Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization
  257. Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation
  258. Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
  259. Lepaje Environmental Organization
  260. Let There Be Light International
  261. LGBT+ Danmark
  262. Life Education and Development Support (LEADS)
  263. Light for the World
  264. LSO Sada-e-Thal Welfare Organization
  265. Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
  266. Malaysian CSO SDG Alliance
  267. Maldives NGO Federation
  268. Maleya Foundation
  269. Maranatha Hope
  270. Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.
  271. Más Coudadanía, AC
  272. Mechanism for Rational Change MERC
  273. Medical Mission Sisters
  274. Mihai and Maria Foundation
  275. Mitini Nepal
  276. MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health & Rights
  277. Mujer Y Salud en Uruguay – MYSU
  278. MUSONET
  279. MY World Mexico
  280. Myanmar Youth Foundation for SDG
  281. Nagorik Uddyog
  282. Natasha Dokovska
  283. National Advocacy for Rights of Innocent-NARI Foundation
  284. National Campaign Against COVID-19
  285. National Campaign for Education Nepal
  286. National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal
  287. National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights
  288. National CSO Platform of Sri Lanka
  289. National Integrated Development Association (NIDA-Pakistan)
  290. National Organization for Sustainable Development (NOSD)
  291. National Trade Union Center (NTUC Phl)
  292. National Youth Council of Russia
  293. Neelab Children and Women Development council
  294. Neighbourhood Community Network
  295. Nepal Development Initiative (NEDI)
  296. Nepal Climate Change Federation
  297. Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organization
  298. Nepal SDGs Forum
  299. NGO EFA
  300. NGO Federation of Nepal
  301. NGOCSW/NYC Women and Girls of African Descent Caucus N. America, Latin America and the Caribbean Descent N. America
  302. Nigeria Network of NGOs
  303. Noakhali Rural Development Organization
  305. Observatory of Vulnerable peoples’ Rights (OVPR)
  306. Okogun Odigie Safewomb International Foundation (OOSAIF)
  307. ONAAR Development Organization
  310. Open School of Sustainable Development (Openshkola)
  311. Organizacion Mexicana de Enfermedades Raras
  312. Organización por la Cooperación Ecológica A.C.
  313. Organization for the Marginalized And Neglected Groups OMANG
  314. Our Fish, Denmark
  315. Outreach Social Care Project – OSCAR
  316. OutRight Action International
  317. Pakistan Development Alliance (GCAP-Pakistan)
  318. Parliamentarians Commission for Human Rights
  319. Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
  320. Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN
  321. Peace Infinity
  322. Peace Justice Youth Organization
  324. Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement
  325. Plan International
  326. PlanBørnefonden
  327. Plataforma de ONG de Accion Social
  328. Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD (NGDO Portuguese Platform)
  329. Portuguese National Youth Council
  330. Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights
  331. POSCO Agenda 2030/GCAP Sénégal
  332. Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA)
  333. Povod
  334. Programa Venezolano de Educación-Acción en DDHH (Provea)
  335. Projonma Academy
  336. Promotora Juvenil don Bosco AC
  337. Proyecto Cantera Juntos por México AC
  338. Purvanchal Rural Development and Training Institute
  339. Radanar Ayar Association
  340. Real Vision Development Organization
  341. Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific (RoA-AP)
  342. Red Agenda 2030 MX
  343. Red Ciudadana 2030 por el Desarrollo Sostenible
  344. Red de Educadores Ambientales de Chihuahua
  345. Red Nicaraguense de Comercio Comunitario (RENICC)
  346. Regional Centre for International Development Cooperation (RCIDC)
  347. REPACT Africa
  348. Rescue Alternatives Liberia (RAL)
  349. Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development (CHFED)
  350. Réseau Centrafricain au Leadership des Jeunes Femmes en Afrique Francophone
  351. Réseau de Défenseurs des Droits Humains de l’Afrique Centrale (REDHAC)
  352. Roberto ravagnani
  353. Rozaria Memorial Trust
  354. Rural Area Development Programme (RADP)
  355. Rural community devlipment council Gwadar
  356. Rutgers
  357. S.O.S. – Criança e Desenvolvimento Integrale de ANG
  358. SAHARA Voluntary Social Welfare Agency
  359. Sahara Welfare Foundation
  360. Saif Khan
  361. Samarthyam
  362. Sami Foundation
  363. Saudi Green Building Forum
  364. Save the Children International
  365. School of International Futures
  366. SDG Action Alliance Bangladesh
  367. SDGs National Network Nepal
  368. SDSN Youth Mexico
  369. Semillas para la Democracia
  370. SEND-GHANA/Ghana CSOs Platform on the SDGs
  371. SERAC-Bangladesh
  372. SERR Servicios Ecumenicos para Reconciliacion y Reconstruccion
  373. SEVERE Joseph
  374. Sex & Samfund / The Danish Family Planning Association
  375. Shaur Taraqiyati Tanzeem
  376. Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation
  377. Shivi Development Society
  378. Sindh Desert Development Organization
  379. Sindh Rural Development Organization
  380. Sistemico, Regeneración Socioambiental AC
  381. SLOGA Slovene NGO Platform for Development, Global Education and Humanitarian Aid
  382. Slum Child Empowerment and Development Initiative
  383. Smile Myanmar
  384. Social and Economic Develepment Associares (SEDA)
  385. Social Economic and Governance Promotion Centre
  386. Society for Access to Quality Education
  387. Society for Education and Development
  388. Society for Indigenous Women’s Progress
  389. Society for Sustainable Development
  390. Society for the Empowerment of the People
  391. Soka Gakkai International
  392. Soñando y Construyendo por un México Mejor a.c
  393. Soroptimist International
  394. Spektro Asociación para el Desarrollo Social
  395. Sri Lanka Nature Group
  396. Sudan SDGs Platform
  397. Sukaar Welfare Organization
  398. Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
  399. Sustainable Development Organization (SDO)
  400. Taiwan AID
  401. Takhleeq Foundation
  402. Taraqee Foundation
  403. Teerath Kumar
  404. Temple of Understanding
  405. Teresa Kotturan
  406. The Inclusivity Project
  407. The National Civic Forum – Sudan
  408. The National Council of NGOs/Action on Sustainable Development Goals Kenya Coalition
  409. The Nationwide Movement Yuksalish
  410. The Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment
  411. Think Centre
  412. Tirtha Biswokarma
  413. Toktli Educación Ambiental
  414. Uganda National NGO Forum
  415. Uganda Network of Young People living with HIV/AIDS (UNYPA)
  416. UNA Sweden
  417. Unanima International
  418. UNANIMA International
  419. Union de l’Action Féministe
  420. Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social – UNITAS
  421. Unitarian Universalist Association
  422. United Disabled Person of Kenya
  423. United Global Organization of Development (UGOOD)
  424. United Nations Association of Fiji
  425. Universidad Anáhuac Mayab
  426. Universidad Tecnológica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca
  427. Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights
  428. Vaagdhara
  429. Vabieka Fest, Festival Internacional de Payasas.
  430. Validity Foundation – Mental Disability Advocacy Centre
  431. Varieties of Democracy Institute
  432. VIER PFOTEN International
  433. Village Development Organization (VDO)
  434. Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund (DBA- Women First International Fund)
  435. Vision GRAM-International
  436. Voces de Cambio, Agenda para el Desarrollo
  437. Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment (VOICE)
  438. Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
  439. Wada Na Todo Abhiyan
  440. Water, Environment & Sanitation Society (WESS)
  441. Women & Child Welfare Society
  442. Women Deliver
  443. Women’s Center for Guidance and Legal Awareness
  444. Women’s Rights and Democracy Centre (WORD Centre)
  445. WomenShade Pak
  446. World Animal Net
  447. World Federalist Movement – Canada
  448. Youth Action Hub Guinea – CNUCED
  449. Youth For Environment Education And Development Foundation (YFEED Foundation)
  450. Youth Inter-Active
  451. Yuma Inzolia
  452. YZ Proyectos de Desarrollo a.C.
  453. Zakir Hossain
  454. Zonta International